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Re: Has anyone successfully bootstrapped gcc-4.6.3 on m68k?

I'm reading through this thread and I'm realizing that I would
absolutely love to help out with compiling/testing or whatever. I
actually have qemu virtualization for 68k through PowerPC running in
KVM. While it doesn't seem to be 100% compatable with the apple/pmac
variety of 68k equipment (of which I own actual hardware of), I
believe this may help out with 68k compilation. That, and if you all
are interested, it's trivial to add this functionality to my xen
server as well, so when it gets racked, more people could share this.

Anyway I'd like to do some testing to see if this will even
boot....I'm in openfirmware, and while it doesn't like my OS8 CD, I
believe debian might work just fine in the 68k virtual machine. And
once I get it booted, I can do a cat /proc/cpuinfo to get more
information and perhaps send out the dmesg.

Since its virtualized, if needed I could spin up more than one.
Between my home server and my laptop I have 11 cores spare. My i7 with
8GB ram could virtualize many of these guys without much effort.

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