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Re: Bug#658914: imvirt: does not know about ARAnyM (m68k Atari emulator)

Petr Stehlik dixit:

># cat /proc/hardware
>Model:          ARAnyM           <--- output of <NF_NAME>

That, again, would require a kernel that supports this.

Oh, by the way, Linux 3.2.4 says:

root@aranym:~ # cat /proc/hardware
Model:          Atari Falcon (with Afterburner040)
System Memory:  800768K
         14 MB at 0x00000000 (ST-RAM)
        768 MB at 0x01000000 (alternate RAM)
Detected hardware:
        Falcon Shifter
        Programmable Sound Generator
        PCM 8 Bit Sound
        CODEC Sound
        SCSI Controller NCR5380 (Falcon style)
        IDE Interface
        8/16 Mhz Switch for FDC
        Multi Function Peripheral MFP 68901
        Serial Communications Controller SCC 8530
        Paddle Interface
        Clock Chip MC146818A
        DSP56001 processor

So, no-go. This is root on /dev/nfhd8p1, so NF work.

FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh

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