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Re: [m68k] res_init segfault, need help debugging

Richard dixit:

> Now, _res is at 0xc014ce58 and the code in question is:

>my m68k coding skills are a little rusty but that looks bizarely obfuscated,
>a bunch of asm instructions that could be saved quite easilly?

Well, it’s from GCC, so probably. I saw it save the return of a
function call (from eax, on i386) save into a local variable,
read from there, push to the stack, pop from there and then
finally use it once. In optimised mode and yes, current gcc as
well as older gcc…

The question is rather, why’s it segfaulting, is GCC at fault,
and, most importantly, how do I fix this?

Thanks for caring!

22:20⎜<asarch> The crazy that persists in his craziness becomes a master
22:21⎜<asarch> And the distance between the craziness and geniality is
only measured by the success                       22:21⎜<mksh> it’s a
very thin line anyway… with some, you don’t know which side they’re on

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