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new kernels ;-)



deb https://www.freewrt.org/~tg/debs68k/ sid main
(you’ll want to install wtf-debian-keyring then)

Looking like this:

root@ara0:~ # uname -a
Linux ara0.mirbsd.org 2.6.32-5+m68k.2-atari #1 Tue Oct 26 18:17:42 UTC 2010 m68k GNU/Linux
root@ara0:~ # dmesg|fgrep -i rtc
[    5.530000] /tmp/buildd/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_m68k_none/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
root@ara0:~ # l /lib/modules/2.6.32-5+m68k.2-atari/kernel/drivers/rtc
rtc-bq4802.ko  rtc-ds1305.ko  rtc-ds1553.ko  rtc-m41t94.ko  rtc-m48t86.ko   rtc-r9701.ko     rtc-v3020.ko
rtc-cmos.ko    rtc-ds1390.ko  rtc-ds1742.ko  rtc-m48t35.ko  rtc-max6902.ko  rtc-rs5c348.ko
rtc-ds1286.ko  rtc-ds1511.ko  rtc-ds3234.ko  rtc-m48t59.ko  rtc-pcf2123.ko  rtc-stk17ta8.ko

I modprobe’d them all, but none of them found the ARAnyM device.
Interestingly enough, rdate jumps the clock by 2592000 seconds on
each boot, which is exactly the difference between 30 September 2010
and 30 October 2010, with the time-of-day being the same (off-by-one
in either ARAnyM or Linux?) but things work well, apparently.

Ingo, if you haven’t used what I sent you yet, please use the
linux-image-*.deb from that repo (which will pull in linux-base-*.deb
of the same version) and see whether this works for you.

More to come…

I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it
when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
existence.		-- Coywolf Qi Hunt

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