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util-linux: FTBFS on m68k

Hi again,

the problems with util-linux on m68k go deeper than I had thought,
and are in no way related to libc:

The failure is in hwclock/kd.c, which tries to use the keyboard
interface to access the clock on m68k, and only on m68k (the
entire source code is wrapped in a huge ifdef). However, current
kernel doesn’t seem to provide it (and the definitions inside
the file are bogus anyway):

root@ara0:...-2.6.32/debian/build/source_m68k_none # fgrep -r KDGHWCLK .
./fs/compat_ioctl.c:COMPATIBLE_IOCTL(0x4B50)   /* KDGHWCLK - not in the kernel, but don't complain */

@debian-68k, what method do we use now, /dev/rtc or something
other? My ARAnyM systems don’t have a /dev/rtc but since there
is no devfs any more, I don’t know whether I need to do some-
thing to make it have one, or how to find out if it works…

Yay for having to rewrite other people's Bash scripts because bash
suddenly stopped supporting the bash extensions they make use of
	-- Tonnerre Lombard in #nosec

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