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Re: libc6/libgcc2/kiivi

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:10:32AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> Turns out libc6 requires libgcc2, which is no longer available (unless
> one installs stable). Since upgrading gcc to a fairly recent version now
> conflicts against libgcc2, too, upgrading would require throwing libc6
> off the system, which obviously won't happen.

In sid, libgcc2 is provided by gcc-4.4, which FTBFS. That's rumored to
be due to a bad debian patch, but I haven't tried to isolate it yet.

> This means we have to do a binNMU of libc6, which is going to be fun.

libc6 2.5-11 is the latest that builds for m68k. After that came TLS
and major breakage. Anyway, gcc-4.4 is the answer to libgcc2. That's 
also what kills build-essential.

> How do we proceed?

Fixing gcc-4.4 is pretty much mandatory. I've heard there are patches
for TLS making their way into upstream somewhere, sometime.

> (NB: the above obviously also means that kiivi won't be building until
> I get a working compiler on it again. Hints are welcome).

I need to do the same thing on zlin2, something kicked build-essential 
out somehow. dports has weekly snapshots at [0]. I think judicious
selection from there should work, but I haven't tried yet.

[0] http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian-snapshot/



Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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