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Re: Trying to install 3.1r5 on Amiga 4000T

where did you get your installation media and what version is it
Debian3.1 Sarge or Debian4.0Etch ?

If you are having trouble just to get started i would suggest
sarge, you can always upgrade later. Etch is still pre-release/testing.

although i have mac68k, i did have some trouble with a scsi disk of
etch during testing last year, which took me a few reformat attempts.
some disks are pickier than others, if it is an old one.

hope this helps or if not some more Amiga people stepping in.

On 3/4/07, Daniele Gratteri <sgratte@tin.it> wrote:
Daniele Gratteri ha scritto:
> Yes, it was, at 80 MHz, however after that I also tried it at 50 MHz
> with the very same problem :(
Well, I checked and it was at 100 MHz when I saved that log.
The Apollo 4060 accelerator I have, used with the latest 68060 mask set
and proper CPU cooling, lets me to use those high speeds but for some
reason, the system is "randomly unstable" since it will freeze, sooner
or later, but it may be after few seconds from boot or hours... It does
when using SCSI intensively.

No ideas about that SCSI problem which hangs Linux boot? As I said, it
is not overclock related.

  ___                                                          __
 / __|___  Daniele Gratteri, Italian Commodore-Amiga user...  ///
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 \___|     E-MAIL: daniele@gratteri.tk     ...since 1990  \///

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