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Re: cross gcc-4.1.2-12 packages

On 6/29/07, Bill Allombert <Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux1.fr> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 10:33:39PM -0700, Brian Morris wrote:

Next time, please sign the whole tarball. This prevents tampering by
third party (which is more of a concern than tampering done by yourself).

that's why i wanted to sign the deb files with debsigs. (even though
nobody apparently uses this it looks like *everyone* *should*)

I don't know how to sign a tarball like that.  Would you tell more specific,
exactly what command you are using ?

If you would apply it to this after the fact, at least people would be
protected on their downloads, i guess (my sig is still inside).


p.s. I may try and get a slice of a server somewhere, someday soon, but
I would still like to know exactly what you meant. I was good for me
to read and study about gpg in debian and all that but apparently
I did not quite get it. also I will try and get in some touch with the
local/regional debian group here at the conference in august. Sorry
for the inconvenience (really) ...

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

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