Re: etch-m68k security update
> > > Same as the oldstable buildds. Christian can bring garkin back soon I
> > > hope.
> >
> > The oldstable buildds have a wanna-buildd database on,
> > etch-m68k and etch-m68k-security don't. buildd can handle that, it can't
> > handle multiple wanna-buildd databases on different servers (now that
> > I'm thinking about it, I wonder how hard that would be to implement).
I was talking about the extra build load, not the database. The database
does indeed pose a problem.
Using different servers for w-b query should not be too hard to implement.
Nor should a wanna-build proxy. In fact, that's what I may end up doing
for washi if the problem with washi's key isn't resolved RSN.
> Technically we would only need etch-m68k-security since etch-m68k can be
> handled manually. Cannot we just get the data from etch-security ? they
> are the same anyway.
We just don't have a m68k database for etch-security. We'd need to rely on
another arch's database which may not list the package in question as
needs-build for long enough. Better replicate etch-security for m68k.
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