Re: kernel compiles
On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 07:53:14AM +1000, Michael Tomkins wrote:
> The kernel compiles.
> $ ssh -l root
> Password:
> Last login: Mon Jun 18 21:47:01 2007 from
> Linux elements #4 Mon Jun 18 22:34:48 EST 2007 m68k
Thank you for trying it out.
> ADB is not working.
What type of system? I don't think all of the ADB drivers have been fixed.
> The second ethernet card is not working (only sonic)
What kind of ethernet card is it that fails?
> Still no RTC
This is a known issue. Hopefully someone will find the time to fix it.
> SCSI sometimes fails on probe, sometimes not.
There are some known issues, but knowing which hardware might help.
Brad Boyer
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