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Re: Installing Etch on A1200 with blizzard 1230mkIV

On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 11:25:32PM +0100, rvalles wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian/Etch on an Amiga 1200 equipped with a Blizzard 1230mkIV turboboard.
> CPU: 68030@50 FPU: 68882@50 RAM: 64mb
> For that, I'm using the images that can be found at:
> http://ftp.es.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/installer-m68k/current/images/
> Specifically, the nativehd initrd and the vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-amiga kernel, with the amiboot that can be found in /tools.
> I had to gunzip the kernel image for it to start, and I've gunzipped the initrd too while trying things out; amiboot just doesn't seem to be able to gunzip stuff.

I don't think you should gunzip the initrd, amiboot does nothing with it, it
just passes it as an argument to the kernel and the kernel takes care of it.
> 5> amiboot -d -k vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-amiga -r initrd root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=15000 debian-installer/framebuffer=false video=amifb:pal-lace debug=mem
> attempt to access beyond end of device
> ram0: rw=0, want=120008, limit=30000

This is a sign that the initrd is too big or the ramdisk_size you picked is
too small, or both. I would try with the compressed initrd, and if that does
not work, increase the ramdisk_size. It seems it has been increased already
compared to sarge, I don't think it needs to be larger, for compressed
initrds. If you use the uncompressed initrd, you might not have enough
memory, even though you have 64MB.



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