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Re: Damn Small Linux for m68k?

On 9/28/06, Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 09:11:50PM -0700, Brian Morris wrote:
> as far as 68k goes, i have tried a couple test things:
> 1) using emile rescue disk to boot about triples my machines speed,

Is that the Debian-packaged version? On what machine?

actually i used the rescue disc exactly as is downloaded from the
sourceforge project page. also i used the cd boot image there to
load sarge debian installer. i think the package was just added
about the same time i did my install.

that was on my old lcIII/performa450-noFPU/Sarge-2.2. , both my other
two 68ks are those powerbook 5x0 things i have not got to boot anyway.

> (it expands to a mini system on a ram disk of about 10MB)
> 2) even after mknod /dev/sda6 mounting and chrooting it still seems faster.

well it could be something to do with being in single user mode and
no demons running, also in my install or on my machine anyway,
i suspect there are a few hungry ones such as exim, and due to the
missing ethernet card. so if i log in the usual way and do a telinit 1
it is pretty close to that. since the system is so so slow anyway i have
not really used it enough to tell much more exactly.

> 3) when i installed sarge i went for the most basic install, came out to
> around 150mb to my relief as on powerpc it is more like 400, and etch
> seems to have increased size by around 50%.

Yes; m68k has always had an instruction set which is rather easy and
does not require a lot of opcodes; as a result, binaries are much
smaller, on average.

> 4) my own plans for now i am not trying to work with Xwindows but i
> want some decent programming suite of tools and i am shooting
> for around 400 MB total size

What type of programming? I do think this should be possible, but it
very much depends on what you want to do.

well i am thinking about it and studying like a survey of some "modern"
languages. there are some things i would like to accomplish but it sort
of depends on how it works out. should be able to work in emacs-windows,
that is a pretty strong preferences i have.

example:  I  wanted to work with text in this context, as data. i would
call it textual analysis except that term has been used for other things with
a long history in unix, this is somethings more new. there are a couple
programs i found in mac os one current and one from the 90s, but they
are pretty hooked on certain standard ways of looking at databases, sort
of like accounting lists, what i wanting is more generalized organizing for
searching and sorting in terms more symbolic.

mostly there i would not be doing anything big anyway, just trying languages
in debian package system and testing ideas. want a sort of low pressure
environment where i can think about long term things.

i am not opposed necessarily to c/systems stuff, but i think it would have to
be fairly short and to the point. like i am really getting headaches thinking
about possibly having to wrestle directly with kernel issues because my
machines being too esoteric; but then again i did really want to work
with the notebook where i could easily move it around ,  maybe i should
go shopping for a 160 or 180, one of those had the FPU i believe, with
an '030, but there are still big problems trying to fish out the 2.4 adb
support and transplant to 2.6.

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