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Re: Curious on 68k uses

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Dana Sibera wrote:

> As users of 68k hardware, in that realm we're not among the users of the
> speediest machines hardware-wise (OS efficiency is something else
> entirely!), what do y'all actually -do- with your
> amiga/atari/mac/vmebus/etc boxes? Is it a learn-linux-on-a-spare-machine
> thing, a hobby, some solid 'real work' that you do?

Hrm, I have an Amiga with a PowerPC and a graphics board, so it is indeed
a nice box to work with (I do my Debian packages on that box, write
letters using LaTeX, ...). I have an i386 box as a server, but I don't log
onto it usually, so the Amiga is my main machine. It's dual-boot, since
playing Quake under AmigaOS has the big advantage that I can listen to
MP3s with the other CPU. :-)


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