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Re: bf 3.0.22 available for testing

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Christian T. Steigies wrote:

> Hi,
> any volunteers for testing boot-floppies 3.0.22? They are in the archives

I've done a (simple, but complete) woody test install with
boot-floppies 3.0.22 on a m68k Mac. In short: worked great. Even looked

Somewhat longer:

System is Mac Quadra 700, 68040 CPU, 20MB RAM, ~200MB HD, color monitor and
german extended keyboard attached.

Used basedebs.tar and untarred macinstall.tar.gz on native Mac partiton.

  - language: german
  - german keyboard
  - use one swap, one ext2 partition
  - install from partition on harddisk
    (everything was found automatically -- cool)

I had console #2 open and did repeated df's on the ext2 partition during the
install. Peak observed disk usage was about 78MB; this should be OK for
almost everybody.

And now a bit of nitpicking, just in case somebody is interested in nits :)
Only some are m68k specific.

  - The kernel and ramdisk files in the default penguin booter prefs were
    wrong. Kernel said linux, wich does not exist, should be linux.bin.
    Ramdisk said rescue.bin, which panics after boot with "init not found",
    should be root.bin (there is a chance I messed up the latter myself when
    correcting the former -- I'm not sure).
  - bterm is cute, but ssllooww.
  - The "choose installation archive path" (or similar) dialogs can be
    confusing for first-time users, as they always were. At least
    an explanation "The partition or CDROM you have chosen is mounted
    on /instmnt" would be nice.
  - Some of the message translations are suboptimal, and some messages
    (e.g. the validating.. / unpacking.. / installing..) stuff are not
    translated at all.
  - Console 3 receives translated log messages in UTF-8, but does not handle
    UTF-8. No big problem with a few german umlauts, but maybe one for
    japanese users?
  - Console 3 showed a log message
    	user.debug dbootstrap[60]: kill: Usage: [followed by usage blurb]
    right after some messages from the module selection step. Maybe
    a "kill $TYPO" in a shell script?
  - It would be nice if the shell in console 2 at least had a working
    delete key. It had with potato boot-floppies IIRC. Delete does work
    in dialog text fields, so it's likely not a keymap prolem.
  - df spit out some "/dev/pts : no such file or directory" errors, but
    worked even though. Not at first, but after some time -- is the
    busybox df replaced with the standard one when it gets installed from
    the basedebs?
  - I don't see why "make the system bootable" is the default selection in
    the last step if this is not possible. Anyway, the resulting message
    box should probably tell the user what to choose instead, not only
    that he can't do this.

But, again, that's nitpicking. Congrats, you've done it, here comes the woody.

Bj"orn Brill <brill@fs.math.uni-frankfurt.de>
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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