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Solution to: ifconfig question

Title: Solution to: ifconfig question
Hey everyone!  I found the answer to my problem. After an arduous election, the answer finally became known, and no US Supreme Court necessary! (It's just a coincidence that my answer and the country's answer came on the same day...;-)

I changed the /etc/networks/interfaces file to have the config I wanted, and removed the stuff I didn't want. Poof! After a reboot, it worked. I figured that if I compared my new install on a separate machine with the original machine, I might figure out the differences. Sure enough, that one file was it!

  _its_ (no apostrophe) means "the thing that it owns"
  _it's_ (with apostrophe) means "it is"

From: "Russell Hires" <rhires@earthlink.net>
To: debian-68k@lists.debian.org
Subject: ifconfig question
Date: Mon, Dec 4, 2000, 7:45

Hey all,

Does anyone know how to delete an alias that I created using the 'ifconfig'
command? I had set up eth0 on an internal network address, (of the 10.x.x.x
variety) and then later when I had an external network address (of the
199.x.x.x variety), I set that address up on eth0:0. Now, I want to get rid
of the internal address completely, and remove the eth0:0 alias, putting the
external address on eth0. How do I do that?


  _its_ (no apostrophe) means "the thing that it owns"
  _it's_ (with apostrophe) means "it is"

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