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Re: cpu arch performance

On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 10:31:40AM +0200, Daniel Reuter wrote:

> By the way: a Normal Pentium doesn't get 2 BogoMIPS per MHz. Read the
> Bogomips HOWTO ;-)
Since I am running linux-2.2.15 on my Pentium 2 my BogoMIPS have doubled, is
linux-2.2.15 now twice as fast as linux 2.2.14? Or maybe it activated the
hidden 2cnd processor on my chip ;-)
> P.S.: one more cite from the BogoMIPS-HOWTO
> "Why to pay attention to BogoMIPS:
> To see whether your system is faster than mine. Of course this is
> completely wrong, unreliable, ill-founded, and utterly useless, but all
> benchmarks suffer from this same problem. So why not use it? This inherent
> stupidity has never before stopped people from using benchmarks, has it?
> :-)
Maybe this should be issued from the kernel, right before announcing the
BogoMIPS number...

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