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Re: Gnome Enlightenment

Thus spake Edward S. Baiz Jr. (ebaiz@qtm.net):

> >> For those of you who are familar with both, which one should I install? 
> >Install both.  They are different things.
> >> Which one is the best???
> >Enlightenment is a window manager.  Gnome is a desktop environment that can run on Enlightenment.
> Ok, that I did not realize. So I just get X Window up, install and run 
> Enlightenment, then run Gnome. Sounds ok. Well then, how about Gnome 
> and the KDE desktop? For those who know both, which one is the better 
> desktop (now that I have things straight).

Gnome is generally considered more interesting and "neater", but KDE is more stable at this point in time.  If you don't mind your desktop crashing now and again, then Gnome is fun.  Otherwise, use KDE.  I just use Enlightenment by itself.

> Edward S. Baiz Jr.
>     (Gamer)  
> ------------------------------------------------------
> HADES 060: 140meg Ram, Yamaha CDRW Drive, 1 gig Jaz 
>  Drive, MicroTek E3 Scanner, Mach 64 w/4meg Ram, Epson
>  Photo 700 printer, 33.6 US Robotics Modem
> PROGRAMS: Extendos Gold, Cab 2.7, ScanX, STiK2, aFTP,
>  Calamus SL99, Newsie, Popwatch, Papyrus 5, Photoline,
>  Nova Driver 2.67, NVDI 5, Linux                                                     
> ------------------------------------------------------
> --  
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 Brian Elliott Finley            http://thefinleys.com
 Senior Systems Engineer           phone: 214.906.9879
 VA LiNUX Systems                   http://valinux.com
 CSA, C2000, CNE, CLSE, MCP, and Certifiable Linux Nut

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