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Low memory boot disk?

I tried installing the slink distribution this weekend on my Mac IIci. 
During the boot up, it said I didn't have enough memory (I only have
5megs - I'm working on getting more), and that I'd have to use the Low
Memory Boot disk.  It said to refer to the install.html file, but I
haven't been able to find any reference to a low memory boot disk.

And pointers?
 ____    Kressin   ____   .-----------------------------------.
/___ \____________/ __ \  | Unix SysAdmin                     |
    \  \    /      /  \ | | Frontier Communications           |
 ___/ __\/\/rench_ \__/ | | dkressin@gb.frontiernet.net       |
\____/            \____/  | http://www.vib.org/wrench/        |

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