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Re: Debian/m68k web pages


>(2) please mention, on the "about" page, what *hardware* this release
>runs on.  AFAIK it only runs on certain amiga models, right?  (If it

It runs on all Amiga models with 030 or better. It runs on Ataris (030 or
better). It runs on Macs (020+68851 or better). It runs on Motorola VME
machines (all 040 I think). The list of hardware is a pretty lengthy one. 
'Only on certain Amiga models' is just plain wrong.

Linux-m68k (or /m68k or /68k) is a pretty well defined thing, see the 
FAQ (at http://www.linux-m68k.org) for a brief overview.

>runs on the Sun 3, please please please let me know, I've got a farm
>of them here that have little use right now, and I'm not that interested in
>porting dpkg to NetBSD :-)

I think it runs even on those (should be pretty complete) :-) My list above was 
by no means exhaustive. 


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