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Re: CD.


> Hi,
> >> But you're doing exactly that, in fact. You might add the installer, you might
> >> add some kind of warranty resulting from your tests while preparing the 
> >> dostribution, but it still is the set of unstable Debian packages that we asked
> >> you not to release as Debian distribution. All I can see is that the label
> >> will be different.
> >
> >It won't be Debian thats going to be blamed if something doesn't work, 
> >that should be the difference. The people to blame if something is
> >broken is us and that will be made clear.
> That's one part of my concerns. So now you take the blame for things that break
> (which isn't exactly easy to understand for the users because, after all, 
> you didn't compile everything), let's hope that helps. We'll see that, anyway.

In Fact we are compiling "everything". One of our A4000T (060/50/80
MB) is compileing all packages that have a dsc file. The script
pipes all output of buildpackage into a logfiles (one for each
package) and so far we have 19.6 MB of those logfiles (packed with
bzip2 its ~1 MB).

The compilation is done with egcs, so some packages that work with gcc 
might not compile (egcs is more strict in some things). I uploaded the 
logfiles and a list of the packages done so far to my university
account and will put it onto my homepage (if anybody is
interested). The url should become
http://home.pages.de/~mrvn/eagle/compilation/ .

> And we'll see how Debian is credited, OTOH.

It will, also Suse will be credited and some others.

May the Source be with you.

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