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Re: Publicity: pending blogposts to be scheduled/published

also sprach Laura Arjona Reina <larjona@larjona.net> [2015-07-20 22:45 +0200]:
> 1.- Blog post at bits.debian.org for last set of sponsors, similar to
> the already published ones.
> This one I can prepare it. Please say *when you want it published* and
> I'll coordinate with Ana.

Even though we never promised these blog posts, I think your idea is
good. How about we publish it early August?

> 2.-  Blog post for blog.debconf about "DebConf15 is almost here!"
> Ideas: Thanks to sponsors (link to the 3 blogposts in bits? Just say all
> their names, grouped in levels?), reminder to attendants to read their
> mail and coordinate accomodation etc, some numbers: of attendants,
> number of talks, keynotes, whatever..., volunteers for video team needed

I wouldn't do much more with sponsors, except we should mention HP.
It would be useful to include links to


and polish those pages, also to include links to e.g.


In general, before we publish this article (which is a good idea),
the wiki really needs to be fixed up.


should probably become the main entry page (with content from
DebConf15/Welcome, or prominently link there), and we should put
onto the wiki definitive information that goes into the mails we
send, like

  - Getting there
  - Check-in process and payment
  - Food for non-hostel-guests
  - …

> 3.- Reproduce somewhere the article that was sent to the German
> press? (In English) I don't know anything about this, but I think
> that it could be reproduced in a Debian-media, or at least linked
> to it (in the Press coverage page? in the above blog post?)

Nothing has been sent yet, mostly due to lack of time. The article
is still at https://titanpad.com/201507-dc15-pr. We should probably
put it on the website along with an English translation and then
reach out to the media.

I volunteer to do the translation, but can someone else please
compile a list of media contacts and be in charge of shoving the
link their way?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"licht wird alles, was ich fasse"
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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