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dc15-team meeting 2015-02-23 2000 UTC

Hello fellow DebConf15 local team members!

Long time no hear,¹ and I am sorry for that. There's been a lot
going on around the new DebConf orga structure, but things are
moving well: registrations and the call for papers for DebConf15 are
on their way, and we are meeting deadlines just fine. Also,
fundraising is going quite well (but we're not done…).

So it's all shaping up to be an amazing DebConf! No, really. Marga,
Maxy and I were just at the venue last week too, networking is under
control, the staff are excited and have offered us a free Barbeque,
and pretty much everything is going according to plan.

Now it's time to focus our attention again to stuff requiring more
locals' involvement, such as German media work (Heise, LinuxMagazin,
etc.…), organising the day trip, child care, and other things.

Therefore, we will recommence our local team meetings, beginning
2015-02-23, at 2000 UTC (21:00 local time) in our *local-team*
channel #debconf15-germany, and we hope to see you there!

It would be really nice if you could use
to let us know whether you can or cannot attend, or leave a comment
(or reply here).


(¹) sorry for not keeping in touch for so long! Please feel free to
write in with any questions you may have, we'll gladly explain…

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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