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Re: Schedule proposals

also sprach Margarita Manterola <margamanterola@gmail.com> [2014-09-05 18:32 +0200]:
> I don't think this is necessary unless someone from the global
> team raises the subject.  Setting the times for meals and talks
> slots is the kind of task that is normally done by the local team
> and later on coordinated with Talks team to know how many talks
> they can schedule, but there is not usually a global debate about
> it.

Right, except there are two things different this year:

  a. we just concluded DC14 with experiments, and people will
     probably want to analyse what went well and what did not;

  b. we want to also experiment, and not lose the "privilege" that
     is usually done by the local team, as you state above.

> >> One of the comments I've heard in debconf this year was "having
> >> the first talk just after breakfast and the last one after
> >> dinner makes a really long day"
> > That's only if you keep breakfast early and dinner late. ;)
> No, this year dinner was very very early, and it led exactly to
> this issue.

Right. A coffee break in between would help, right?

> > We are reintroducing DebCamp for continued hacking, and I think
> > this alleviates the burden of having to create blocks of
> > continuous hack time during the conference.
> But are we? Definitely? I thought we wanted to see the feedback
> first? I was surprised to hear that most people actually preferred
> the "hacking time" intermixed with talks instead of a separate
> DebCamp.

The feedback I got was exactly the other way around. Maybe it is
time for a survey?

> I'd go with breakfast until 10, and first plenary session starting
> at 10 as well.  This means that if you want to be at the plenary
> session you need to wake up earlier, but if you are not going
> anyway, you have an extra half an hour.

Okay, sounds fine. I did like the charm of having time for the orga
meeting (before the plenary session), but I suppose this can be done
at the tail end of breakfast.

> > 19:30   Dinner                    Dinner
> > 21:00   Free time / session slot  Maybe session slot
> No, please let's not schedule stuff after dinner. Part of DebConf
> is about socializing and it requires that talks are not happening
> in order to make that possible. It also encourages this trend of
> getting up later and later, which is then unfair to whoever has
> talks in the morning.

right, except there are no talks in the morning, untill 11.

The only reason I am suggesting to move the schedule back in the day
was feedback from several people who would prefer it that way.
I don't really care either way. Except that at DC15, we will not
really have the natural reminders of Rogue closing at 12 and the
Tortoise closing at 2, so I would expect more people to stay up

> > I would suggest that we consider experimenting with session lengths
> > too. Many presentations I have witnessed at past DebConfs would have
> > been better suited for a lightning talk, or maybe a 10 minute
> > presentation, or maybe 25 minutes, instead of always having 45
> > minutes.
> Agreed, but this thread was about the schedule, not about the length
> of talks... I think that should be discussed in a separate thread.

Okay, can do. But the two are very closely related. Only if we have
more shorter sessions, then can we have lesser slots, which gives
more flexibility to the schedule.

> I'm not sure I understand your "free days", but one of the things
> I didn't like of DC14 is that it was very confusing.  I think it's
> easy for people to distinguish weekend vs weekday, and then know
> what kind of schedule the day is going to have. But if the weekday
> schedule also varies, that makes it much more confusing. i.e.
> I would prefer if we could settle for the same schedule for
> Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

I agree that it was confusing, and I would love some more

I think that naming the days e.g. "presentation days" and "free
days" to distinguish the two types already helps, and people will be
able to remember that Tuesday is a "presentation day" and Thursday
a "free day", for example. All "presentation days" are equal, as are
all "free days".

But if this is still not enough, how about having Monday and Tuesday
be presentation days, and Thursday and Friday be free days?

> teardown is usually fast. We should probably do the teardown of
> video equipment on Saturday and of hacklabs on Sunday.

Sure, just wanted to make the point that we have to be out by noon.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
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