Re: Meeting tonight
Hi *,
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 11:16:57AM +0200, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> * registration: RichiH
> * sponsorship brochure: rhalina
> * taxes: madduck
> * website: _rene_ (?)
A Skeleton of the website with the logo (based on the DC14 website)
is online since some time; I commented out some stuff because it's not yet
- Donating because we dont have the e.V. yet which can acccept those
- Sponsorship (sponsors, sponsorhip brochure, ...)
- the exact dates
- no rss feed included yet
Valessio (who did the logo) volunteered to help with the website too and sent
artwork proposal which looks nice. Should answer to his second draft.
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