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Next meeting: Wed 2014-05-28 21:00 CEST on IRC

Hey folks,

According to the dudle poll,¹ the next meeting should take place on
Wed, 28 May 2014, at 21:00 CEST on our IRC channel, even though this
means that three people won't make it, maybe even four.

¹) https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/dc15_status_meetings_until_autumn_2014/

You will notice that I picked Wed/Thu at the start and end of each
month. This was because we used to have our meetings on one of those
two weekdays. However, I realise now that that may have been
a flawed assumption.

Because I think regular meetings are important and at least for me,
it gets easier the earlier we know the dates, I want to try
something else:


Once you've filled this in, I will update the dudle and then we can
try to set fixed dates once a month between now and then, and
hopefully continue to facilitate meeting planning based on those

Feel free to propose alternative strategies. I am just trying to
find a good common ground here ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer               http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck    http://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
no keyboard present.
press f1 to continue.
zen engineering.

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