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[eV] Change of bylaws

Dear Gründungsmitglieder of our Verein,

it might be wise to change our bylaws following advice from PwC. In particular, we should change the fiscal year to be the calendar year (§ 1 Abs. 4). Martin's reason not to do that in the first place was to effectively reduce the number of times we have to report to the financial authorities, but it doesn't seem to work out given the recent discoveries regarding sales tax. It seems we will be better of with the default.

According to our bylaws, we can decide on a change of bylaws by email (§ 6f). The suggested change must be announced two weeks in advance (Abs. 1). However, if everyone votes before those two weeks are over, it can be argued that we don't need to wait two weeks.

If we're about to change the bylaws anyway, we should clarify that and make a second change which allows us to reach decisions more quickly in cases where everyone agrees.

Therefore, please reply to this message ASAP, ideally immediatly but no later than 2014-05-20, and state whether you agree or disagree with the following two proposed changes. Please also indicate if you are OK with these changes taking effect immediately or if you want to wait the whole two weeks.

1. § 1 Abs. 4 will be reworded to: "Das Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalenderjahr. Der Zeitraum von der Gründung des Vereins bis zum Jahresende bildet ein Rumpfgeschäftsjahr."

2. § 6f Abs. 5 is moved to Abs. 6 and a new Abs. 5 is inserted, with the following text: "Geben alle Mitglieder Ihre Stimme bereits vor Ablauf der zweiwöchigen Ankündigungsfrist gem. Abs. 1 ab und erklären sich zusammen mit der Stimmabgabe zur vorzeitigen Beschlußfassung bereit, gilt der Beschluß gefaßt, sobald die letzte Stimme eingegangen ist. Hierauf ist in der Niederschrift hinzuweisen."

Sorry for the noise two days after foundation, this is a learning experience for all of us,

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