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Re: DC15 legal entity

Thanks for writing in. Just quick responses inline:

also sprach Constanze Stohn <conny@tokkee.org> [2014-04-26 18:33 +0200]:
> * shorter präambel (do we want german officials to fall asleep while
> reading? ;-) ) (line 60-100)
> * shorter purpose (same as above)

Please submit patches. I already worked very hard to keep it as
short as possible.

> * Events free of charge? how we deal the visitors who (want to)
> pay? (line 137)

The event stays free of charge.

> * gender equalitiy? what would we do? which requirements we have?
> (line 167) what will we do, when German authorities ask  us to
> show what we do for this point?

For instance, showing them a code of conduct, which could be based
on the one from LCA: http://linux.conf.au/cor/code_of_conduct

> * "Die Mitglieder erhalten keinerlei Zuwendung aus Mitteln des
> Vereins" (line 181-182)? What we do with refund of travelling
> expenses?

I would argue that's a regular expense of the Verein, but you are
right, we should include this in the Zweck. Argh, I wish I had
thought of this earlier. This is going to be hard.

> * membership fee: line 229f.
> How often we pay? When we pay?(monthly, yearly, every day?) What are the
> payment options (else, e.g., cash would have to be accepted as well)?
> In line 241ff. is a requirement for membership fees
> http://sportrecht.org/cms/front_content.php?idcat=37&idart=75

This, as well as all other aspects, would be defined in the

> * "Jedes aktive Mitglied hat eine Stimme" (line349) -- no minimum age?

Is there a minimum age for contributing to Debian?

> * "Wenn ein Drittel der stimmberechtigten Mitglieder ein anderes
> Wahlverfahren verlangt, bestimmt der Versammlungsleiter die Art der
> Abstimmung." (line 352 ff.)
> ->  "ein anderes Wahlverfahren" -- which one?

This just means they are unhappy with the default or the chosen one.
They do not get to propose one, but the chair has to change the
voting mechanism.

> -> line 416-418:_every_ member can postulate a private vote

I don't understand.

> * "Das Protokoll ist vereinsöffentlich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dieses
> Protokoll
> muß auf der nächsten Mitgliederversammlung genehmigt werden." (line 403f.)
> -> means, that the registration of the charity organisation/legal entity
> can only be done after the second general assembly.

No, this is not true. The initial assembly is the
Gründungsversammlung and the minutes are signed by everyone at the
end of the meeting, which make them legally binding.

Apart, the minutes *are* legally binding even before they are acked
by the next meeting. It's just the burden of proof that changes.

> * 456: Limit 2000 EUR -- its not relevant for the entity, can be
> difined by assambly

It is very relevant to external contractual partners, actually
(Außenverhältnis). It must be part of the bylaws. The assembly only
gets to define rules on the internal interface (Innenverhältnis).

> * line 88-90: "Die Teilnahme an der DebConf ist kostenlos möglich und
> alle Organisatoren und Helfer arbeiten ehrenamtlich."
> vs.
> line 456-458: "sowie der Einstellung und Entlassung von Angestellten und
> der Aufnahme von Krediten ist nur eine gemeinschaftliche Vertretung
> zulässig.
> -> might be a contradiction

Yes, could be construed, but I don't see the problem.

> * line 468:" Der Vorstand tagt vereinsöffentlich [...]"
> -> its difficult, the steering commitee can discuss issues which
> request privacy protection

They can do that. Just don't tell anyone. ;)

If they reach binding decisions, they must do so in front of all

> * line 490-526 its not important for the constitution - can be deleted;
> all members can vote for that in the first general meeting

Yes, it's possible to put this up for vote, but it's not really up
for discussion (it's a must), so I think it ought to be in the

> * missing Salvatorische Klausel

Not needed. These are kind of useless anyway.

> * line556: Names of the founder member with signature

As soon as I know them…

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA: http://debconf14.debconf.org
      DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany

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