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Re: Reducing streaming latency

On 2019-03-20 18:39 -0400, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Hey Wookey!

Hi - thanks for taking an interest.

> On 19-03-20 17 h 44, Wookey wrote:
> > We were well ahead of the trend in videoing all talks+questions
> > effectively. I think we should see what we can do to use technology to
> > make effective remote interaction work. Currently there is too much
> > lag on outgoing video (~30seconds?)
> IIRC, the feed out of voctomix easily has a good 3-5 seconds delay already.
> If you can point us to other projects using a voctomix stack (CCC VOC,
> LCA, etc.) that have worked on latency issues, it would be a nice
> pointer for us.

I don't have any direct experience here. When I say 'technology
experience' what I mean is that I've tried to attend quite a lot of
conferences remotely with varying degrees of success, using Debian's
set up, Ubuntu's set-up, hangouts, some proprietary
conference-in-browser software, and 3 different types of telepresence
bot. So I have some idea of what the issues are. There are more issues
than solutions at the moment :-)

[snip much technical detail]

Yes I agree what we have makes sense for what we currently try to
achieve, and that none of this is simple, but if we changed the
emphasis from 'making uploadable video which can also be watched
live-ish' to 'must enable n-way discussion with some remote
participants' then we'd make different tech choices.

Ideally we'd have a load of bots too, so one can partake of the
often-more-important hallway track, but that involves hardware and a
different set of problems from just making the talks/BOFs
remote-interactive. It does solve both problems so is worth thinking
about, but they don't do stairs or lifts, and ones that actually work
well are expensive and heavy. In my experience availability is highly
regional too (USA and Paris only so far, but maybe there is an Israeli
company that would like to help out...). Bots also have some
interesting cultural issues (it's still quite 'wierd', even for
geeks), although familiarity could fix that.

> > and no incoming video/audio, so it's pretty-much broadcast-only.
> I don't have a good solution to this. If you can point us to something
> that's easy to implement and that does not require tons of extra gear or
> a shitton more work to setup, I'm sure we would be interested. Our
> current audio schemas can be found here [5].

This is a big question and I don't have direct answers, but given the
ubiquity of RTC video/audio meetings, I think we ought to be able to
use that tech in debconf. So something like jitmeet integrated into
the set-up so that someone could appear on-screen when asking a
question, and get near-enough real-time video, ought to be
possible. Perhaps a second screen with all the remote heads on (more
or less like the old Ubuntu IRC screen), zooming in to a speaking
head, would work.

It may be easiest not to try to integrate this into the existing
high-quality stream/recording, but to have a parallel
real-time/interactive RTC setup for people who wish to follow/interact

> If you want to follow-up on any of this, I think the best thing to do
> would be to create a new issue on our bug tracker [6].

OK, that seems sensible. I'll do that.

> Again, it's not that we don't care, more that we don't have enough time
> to do everything we would like to :D

Of course. I need to do some traffic simulations for an argument about
bike-friendly roundabouts tomorrow and it's nearly 2am already :-)

> As you can see, everything we do (docs, code, etc.) is on Salsa, so feel
> free to tinker and send us patches if you have some spare time.

Well. I think we need a conceptual discussion to try and work out
something that might do the job for a sane amount of effort
first. Patches later :-)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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