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funding request: replacement OPSIS board and accessories for video team

Dear Chris,

As you know we had a MiniDebconf in Curitiba last week.  Stefano Rivera
(in Cc:) from the Debconf video team was in attendance, and was kind
enough to bring one of the video team OPSIS boards that he had with him,
and it considerably improved the quality with which we could record the
speaker screen during the talks. (the videos will be released soon)

We have been organizing MiniDebconfs every year, and also other more
general free software events in Curitiba (FLISOL, Software Freedom Day,
etc), and it would be really nice to have an OPSIS for our local team.
Importing equipment into Brazil is expensive, so Stefano left the board
with us after discussing with the video team, and I committed to request
funds to buy a replacement for the Debconf video team.

So I would like to request funds so that Stefano can buy the following
equipment to recompose the Debconf video team inventory. All amounts are
in USD:

Numato Opsis: FPGA-based open video platform     $449.95

MITXPC MX500 Industrial Fanless Mini-ITX Case     $43.95

MinnowBoard                                      $145.95

Total ammount requested: $ 639.85

(this MinnowBoard will be added to the box that stayed here; the idea is
for Stefano to buy it in the US and give it to us in Taiwan, saving in
customs and shipping costs)

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