Re: [Debconf-video] Approval for DebConf Video Team equipment purchases
Kyle Robbertze wrote:
> We currently own 2 large prosumer cameras and 2 handheld camcorders. The
> two other cameras for coverage of a third room at past DebConfs were
> usually hired. At DC16 we tested using new mixing software (voctomix),
> which is capable of doing HD video (we used 720p) over SDI cabling and
> decided to move to it as our mixing software of the future. Previously
> we used software that only worked with standard definition (dvswitch),
> over old, short firefire cables. The issue is that our current cameras
> cannot handle HD video, nor can they take SDI out and so are
> incompatible with the new voctomix setup.
> These new cameras would mean that we do not have to hire any cameras on
> location and would make testing and developing our setup easier as they
> will not change every DebConf
Thank you so much for this clarification; it will be very helpful in, say,
a few years for anyone reading the leader@ archive :)
Looking forward to seeing the hardware in Montreal and in future.
Best wishes,
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` /
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