Hi folks,
vittoria.debian.org, aka veyepar.debian.org, is almost ready for review
and transcode work of the cambridge miniconf.
Still TODO:
- DSA needs to do a few things to the configuration so you don't need to
do "ssh -L" or some such to get at the veyepar web interface. We've
agreed to not open it up to the whole world, though; instead, it will
only allow access to an IP address whitelist.
- I need to set up apache so it serves the .webm files and does
mod_proxy to django (shouldn't be too hard, but depends on the above)
- Someone needs to update
https://people.debian.org/~wouter/dc15slideproposal.svg so it talks
about the Cambridge miniconf rather than about debconf 15. I can do
that if nobody else volunteers, but I've got a few other things to
do, and this doesn't require any specific access... ;-)
- Those of you who want to help out with reviewing should send me the IP
addresses from which they'll do so, so that I can ensure they're added
to the whitelist.
I've done a test transcode, and that seemed to work; you can watch the
result at https://people.debian.org/~wouter/welcome_cambridge.webm