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Re: [Debconf-video] next meeting

Well, this can still be done monday 20th (today!) at 6PM. It wasn't such a bad date.

Still, I officially propose *Tuesdays 21th at 6PM* since Wouter hasn't done the follow up. It's as bad/good as Monday, but there's a bigger heads up.


On 2015-07-14 15:18, Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:
> On 07/01/2015 09:55 PM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> For those of you who couldn't make it: meeting minutes are at 
>> <http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2015/debconf-video.2015-07-01-18.04.html>.
>>  One item on my action list is to create the below:
>> http://doodle.com/cdbx654fk7tfxd6t
>> The plan is to have it in two weeks. I've added a full week, just to 
>> make sure it all works out, but preferably we'll have it in the 
>> beginning of that week.
>> Please fill your availability in ASAP.
> ping
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