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Re: [Debconf-video] [santiago@debian.org: Re: [Debconf-team] Draft schedule format]


from #debconf-video today

 <      h01ger> | cate: yes i think more video related stuff should go to the list
 <      h01ger> | the list has basically been dead since last debconf
 <      h01ger> | and yeah, events during food times are stupid
 <      h01ger> | or to phrase it nicer: they work well with paid workers
              * | h01ger wouldnt want to treat volunteers like this 
<      h01ger> | cate: exactly
 <      h01ger> | but really scheduling food+events at the same time doesnt work well
 <      h01ger> | its also bad / annoying for others: cause then you cannot (privatly) "schedule" things for during lunch, cause someone might still be at an event...
 <     tassia> | h01ger, edrz, can you raise those concerns in the mailing list? in the meeting today?
 <      h01ger> | tassia: like every year? 
 <      h01ger> | tassia: i'm tired to do so. please someone forward my words from today somewhere. feel free to use copy + paste.
 < edrz> i'm not sure I can be at the meeting. it's a holiday here, so wife + child are home with me.
              * | h01ger can do copy+paste..
 <     tassia> | h01ger, thanks

cate+edrz said similar things but couldnt give me permission to quote them on archived mailinglist, so I'll send this now, so it reaches you in time for the meeting.


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