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[Debconf-video] artist wanted for better background for dc11 preroles


I've finally found the time to adpot a script (from "derpeter" who used it for 
cccamp2011) to generate preroles for our pentabarf xml schedule data. It 
creates 7 seconds prerole files for all events, I've made one available at:


I just think the background picture could and should be improved ;) 

Currently I use the ttf-prociono font for text (available in wheezy and sid) 
and the pink-red is the color from http://wiki.debian.org/DebianLogo while the 
DebConf11 text and logo is the one from 

The template to edit (background.svg) is attached to this mail. 
The scripts are attached as well, you want to run xml2prerole.py without any 
arguments :) the schedule url is hard-coded... dont forget to run this first:
apt-get install python-argparse ttf-prociono ffmpeg

I'd be delighted to see improved backgrounds! 

I was also thinking of creating postroles(?) saying "copyright 2011, the 
debconf videoteam $list_of_names_in_random_order_each_time - archive at 
http://video.debian.net"; or such. For that I'd probably use the group picture 
as backgroud... What do you think? 


Attachment: background.svg
Description: image/svg

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    Copyright (C) 2011  derpeter
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import argparse
import fileinput
import commands
import sys
import os
import re

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate prerole file: make sure you have ffmpeg and inkscape in $PATH')
parser.add_argument('-f', action="store", dest="background", help="background SVG. Default background.svg", default='background.svg' )
parser.add_argument('-t', action="store", dest="title", help="talk title")
parser.add_argument('-s', action="store", dest="subtitle", help="talk subtitle", default = '')
parser.add_argument('-p', action="store", dest="speakers", help="person(s). Persons are separated with a blank.", nargs="+")
parser.add_argument('-d', action="store", dest="date", help="date of the talk")
parser.add_argument('-b', action="store", dest="begin", help="begin of the talk")
parser.add_argument('-i', action="store", dest="id", help="talk id")
parser.add_argument('-o', action="store", dest="output", help="output dir", default='')
parser.add_argument('-w', action="store", dest="workdir", help="working dir", default='')

args = parser.parse_args()

# line lengths
linelen64pt = 37
linelen48pt = 40 
wide_linelen48pt = 49

def html_protect(vstr):
    vstr = "&amp;".join(vstr.split("&"))
    vstr = "&lt;".join(vstr.split("<"))
    vstr = "&gt;".join(vstr.split(">"))
    vstr = "&#34;".join(vstr.split('"'))
    vstr = "&#39;".join(vstr.split("'"))
    return vstr

# replace the string in a given svg
def build_svg():

    #check the inputs filds
    if args.id == None:
        print "id not defined"
        print "working on %s_prerole.dv now..." % args.id
    if args.title == None:
        print "title not defined"
    if args.subtitle == None:
        print "subtitle not defined"
        args.subtitle = ''
    if args.speakers == None:
        print "WARNING: person not defined"
    if args.date == None:
        print "date not defined"
    if args.begin == None:
        print "begin not defined"
        args.begin = ''

    # build the speaker name list
    speakers1 = ''
    speakers2 = ''
    speakers3 = ''
    speakers4 = ''
    speakers5 = ''
    speakers6 = ''
    if args.speakers is not None:
	    speakers = []
	    tmp = ''
	    for spk in args.speakers:
		if len(tmp) + 3 + len(spk) > linelen48pt:
		    speakers.append(tmp) # + ' -')
		    tmp = ''
		# append
		if tmp != '':
		    tmp = tmp + ' - '
		tmp = tmp + spk
	    if tmp != '':
	    if len(speakers) == 1:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = ''
	    elif len(speakers) == 2:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = speakers[1]
	    elif len(speakers) == 3:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = speakers[1]
		speakers3 = speakers[2]
	    elif len(speakers) == 4:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = speakers[1]
		speakers3 = speakers[2]
		speakers4 = speakers[3]
	    elif len(speakers) == 5:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = speakers[1]
		speakers3 = speakers[2]
		speakers4 = speakers[3]
		speakers5 = speakers[4]
	    elif len(speakers) == 6:
		speakers1 = speakers[0]
		speakers2 = speakers[1]
		speakers3 = speakers[2]
		speakers4 = speakers[3]
		speakers5 = speakers[4]
		speakers6 = speakers[5]
		print "too many authors for event %s" % args.id

#    if len(args.speakers) == 1:
#        speaker = args.speakers[0]
#    elif len(args.speakers) == 2:
#        speaker = args.speakers[0] + ' ' + args.speakers[1]
#    elif len(args.speakers) == 3:
#        speaker = args.speakers[0] + ' - ' + args.speakers[1] + ' - ' + args.speakers[2]
#    elif len(args.speakers) == 4:
#        speaker = args.speakers[0] + ' - ' + args.speakers[1] + ' - ' + args.speakers[2] + ' - ' + args.speakers[3]
#    # in the rare case that we have more than 4 speaker we replace the last speakers with et al.
#    elif len(args.speakers) > 4:
#        speaker = args.speakers[0] + ' - ' + args.speakers[1] + ' - ' + args.speakers[2] + ' - ' + args.speakers[3] + ' - et al.'

    # split title into two lines if necessary
    if len(args.title) > linelen64pt:
	titleRE = re.compile(r'^(.{0,'+str(linelen64pt)+r'}) (.*)$')
	titles = titleRE.search(args.title).groups()
	title1 = titles[0]
	title2 = titles[1]
	if len(title2) > linelen64pt:
	    print "WARNING: title too long (2nd line)"
	    title2 = title2[:linelen64pt]+"..."
	title1 = args.title
	title2 = ''

    # split subtitle into two lines if necessary
    if len(args.subtitle) > wide_linelen48pt:
	subtitleRE = re.compile(r'^(.{0,'+str(wide_linelen48pt)+r'}) (.*)$')
	subtitles = subtitleRE.search(args.subtitle).groups()
	subtitle1 = subtitles[0]
	subtitle2 = subtitles[1]
	if len(subtitle2) > wide_linelen48pt+10:
	    print "WARNING: subtitle too long (2nd line)"
	    subtitle2 = subtitle2[:wide_linelen48pt]+"..."
	subtitle1 = args.subtitle
	subtitle2 = ''

    # replace the strings in the svg
    # add here some filtering to precent to long names
    for line in fileinput.FileInput(args.background,inplace=0):
        if "%title$1%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%title$1%', html_protect(title1))
        elif "%title$2%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%title$2%', html_protect(title2))
        elif "%subtitle$1%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%subtitle$1%', html_protect(subtitle1))
        elif "%subtitle$2%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%subtitle$2%', html_protect(subtitle2))
        elif "%speaker$1%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$1%', html_protect(speakers1))
        elif "%speaker$2%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$2%', html_protect(speakers2))
        elif "%speaker$3%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$3%', html_protect(speakers3))
        elif "%speaker$4%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$4%', html_protect(speakers4))
        elif "%speaker$5%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$5%', html_protect(speakers5))
        elif "%speaker$6%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%speaker$6%', html_protect(speakers6))
        elif "%date%" in line:
            line=line.replace('%date%', args.date+' '+args.begin)

    outfileName = args.workdir+args.id+".svg"
    outfile = file(outfileName, 'w')

# create a png out of the svg
def build_png():
    result = commands.getstatusoutput("inkscape "+ args.workdir+args.id +".svg -e "+args.workdir+args.id+".png")
    if result[0] != 0:
        print "png not created"
        print result[1]

# build the dv file
def build_dv():
    prerole_duration = "7s"
    # check if tmp file already present and remove it
    if os.path.exists(args.workdir+args.id+".tmp"):
        commands.getstatusoutput("rm -f "+args.workdir+args.id+".tmp")
    result = commands.getstatusoutput("ffmpeg -qscale 3 -loop_input -i "+ args.workdir+args.id +".png -target dv-pal "+args.workdir+args.id+".tmp -t "+prerole_duration+" -r 25 -an -threads 2")
    if result[0] != 0:
        print "inital dv file not created"
        print result[1]

    #check if silence file is present, if not generate it
    if not os.path.exists('silence'):
        os.system('dd if=/dev/zero of=silence ibs=10240 count=10240')

    #check if prerole file is present if yes delete it
    if os.path.exists(args.output+args.id+"prerole.dv"):
        commands.getstatusoutput("rm -f "+args.output+args.id+"prerole.dv")

    #cat the first part of the prerole in front of the edittedt one
    result = commands.getstatusoutput('cat preprerole.dv '+ args.workdir+args.id +'.tmp > '+ args.workdir+args.id +'.tmp1')

    result = commands.getstatusoutput("ffmpeg -f dv -target pal-dv -i "+args.workdir+args.id+".tmp1 -f u16le -i silence -vcodec copy -t "+prerole_duration+" "+args.workdir+args.id+"_prerole.dv")
    #if result[0] == 1:
    # no idea why ffmpeg is not returning 0 at this call
    if True:
        commands.getstatusoutput("rm -f "+args.workdir+args.id+".tmp "+args.workdir+args.id+".tmp1")
        print "audio fix not applied"
        print result[1]
    #clean up
    commands.getstatusoutput("rm -f "+args.workdir+args.id+".png")
    commands.getstatusoutput("rm -f "+args.workdir+args.id+".svg")


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-

import urllib
import lxml.etree
from subprocess import Popen

rohdaten = urllib.urlopen("http://penta.debconf.org/dc11_schedule/schedule.en.xml";).read()
#daten = unicode(rohdaten, "latin1")
daten = rohdaten
root = lxml.etree.fromstring(daten).getroottree()

SCRIPT_FULLPATH = "genPrerole.py"
        "-o", "../prerole/",
        #"-w", "/tmp/workdir"

def call_genPrerole(info):
    command = ["python", SCRIPT_FULLPATH]

    arguments = dict(t="title",
#    if info["id"] != str(4451):
#	return 
    for flag, key in arguments.iteritems():
	#if flag == 'speakers' and key == []:
	#	key = '_'
        flag = "-" + flag
        data = None
            data = info[key]
        except KeyError:
            print "key %s does not exist for %s" % (key, info["id"])
        if data is None or data == []:
            #print "value %s was None for %s" % (key, info["id"])
          #  data = " "
	  #  flag = " "
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            command += [flag] + data
        elif isinstance(data, basestring):
            command += [flag, data]
            raise ValueError("unexpected datatype")

    command += EXTRA_ARGS

    process = Popen(command)
    returncode = process.wait()
    if returncode != 0:
        print "returncode %d != 0 for %r" % (returncode, command)

def daten_von_event(event, upper_info):
    info = upper_info.copy()
    info["id"] = event.get("id")
    things = "start room title subtitle".split(" ")
    for thing in things:
        thing_tag = event.find(thing)
        if thing_tag is None:
            print "ERROR: no tag %s in %r" % (thing, event)
            if event.find(thing).text is not None:
                info[thing] = event.find(thing).text

    info["speakers"] = []
    persons = event.find("persons")
    for person in list(persons):


def daten_von_raum(raum, upper_info):
    info = upper_info.copy()
    info["name"] = raum.get("name")
    for event in list(raum):
        daten_von_event(event, info)

def daten_von_tag(tag):
    info = {}
    info["date"] = tag.get("date")
    info["index"] = tag.get("index")
    for raum in list(tag):
        daten_von_raum(raum, info)

def daten_von_schedule(schedule):
    for tag in schedule.xpath("day"):


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