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[Debconf-video] (auto)importing videos to debianart wordpress


I've been working with Valessio in a fancy HTML5 environment to DC and other
Debian-related videos. After trying some video gallery tools I considered
Valessio's idea of using wordpress specific plugins.

Gallery software will support HTML5 videos in the near future, but personally I
don't like to mix photo and video.

The challenge now is to automate things. A very simple way to do it is
building CVS files in a proper format and push them to wordpress. It's working
well. I did some documentation:


So, I'd like to start generating a CVS file for Debconf9, getting talk
meta-data from penta database. Please anyone give me a way to do that, or send
me a DB dump in any format.


  .''`.  Tiago Bortoletto Vaz                         GPG  :      1024D/A504FECA
 : :' :  http://tiagovaz.org                          XMPP : tiago at jabber.org
 `. `'   tiago at {tiagovaz,debian}.org               IRC  :       tiago at OFTC
   `-    Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal OS               http://www.debian.org

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