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[Debconf-video] Re: better licence for fosdem, debconf, .., videos...

Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> [...]
> It speaks about "false attribution": I cannot imagine how stating "This
> image is based on the desk image created by Bob" could be considered as
> false attribution...

I repeat: I think it depends where and how "based on the desk image
created by Bob" is stated.

Further: a lot of emphasis is put on whether you are trying to credit
Bob with a hand in your work. That is, whether it is a credit. See
http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Patents/1998/345.html if you want
more explanation of both legislation and case law.

I think it's fair that you can't credit upstream with your derivative
or collective if they don't want you to.

Hope that explains,
My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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