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Re: [Debconf-video] Re: debconf6 video wishlist :)

On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 14:44 -0600, John Lightsey wrote:
> Mixing formats is something that should be avoided if possible.

That certainly complicates affairs, yes.

Also there was one talk last year (number 6 on the 16th) that appeared
to have a 14:9 frame ratio.  I'm guessing this was due to accidental
selection of the wrong format on a camera or perhaps some incorrect
post-processing that cropped PAL frames to NTSC size.

> >   The sound level was not consistent enough.  We should figure
> > out some guidelines for level control, to keep the dynamics
> > within a rather narrow range.  Some compression and limiting
> > may be required.
> Normalizing all of the audio prior to compression would be a nice
> improvement.

Yes, and maybe compression (that is, dynamic volume normalisation) too.
Loud applause seems to have skewed the initial volume adjustment, and
also hampered my attempts to normalise the volume between talks.  I have
yet to find a tool that will do compression automatically, though Nattie
has had some success doing this to audio files in Audacity.

> Chopping videos at the beginning and end could be minimized.  If the
> moderator gave a signal to start the talk, waited 3 seconds and then
> began, we wouldn't need to crop the front.  On the tail end, stop the
> recording as the applause dies down.  You'd have to convince tolimar to
> limit his introduction to "Here's Blah with a talk entitled Blah"
> though.  :)

This didn't seem to me to be too difficult, except that I didn't have a
good video editor with which to get precise timings.

> And the DVDs are spectacular.


> I hope copies of the 2005 DVDs will be sold at Debconf.

I had thought of that, but am not sure of the logistics.

> What more can be done to help/improve the production
> of DVDs?

1. I and anyone else who wants to be involved in "post-production"
should be able to take home good-quality copies of the recordings (like
the MPEG-4 AVIs you sent me for this year).  This of course requires
that they are all converted from DV by the morning of 22nd May.

2. I/we should settle on a reliable batch video encoder/processor
(mencoder worked, but was a real pain to use; I know the rest of you use
other tools).  Similarly for remultiplexing if necessary.

3. We should be wary of losing audio/video synchronisation.  There were
a few videos where the audio was between 100 and 300 ms late (my

4. I should get WebDVD ready for production.  These are the fairly
essential items yet to do:

* Integration with video recoding.
* Fix resolution of relative filenames in VOB lists.
* Provide a means to specify video aspect and menu & audio language.
* Allow explicit ordering of videos.

5. We should make a note of any changes to session titles.  The files
provided for download were named according to the titles stated in COMAS
and on the schedule.  However, a lot of speakers used somewhat different
titles in their introductions or on their slides.

6. For two-part sessions, if they are happening this year, it would be
nice to have the parts joined with a fade in and out rather than
distributed as separate files.  (Although using separate files makes
chapter marks automatic in dvdauthor.)

I should also send a sample DVD image to Rich Wareham (author of
libdvdnav) so he can try fixing the bug that last year's DVDs triggered.


Ben Hutchings
In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.

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