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debconf6 video wishlist :)


in roughly six month it's debconf time again (yay!), so it's getting about 
time to get us going again :-)

So (and btw) do we want a fancy debconf6-video@lists.debconf.org mailinglist, 
or would debconf-video@lists.debconf.org be better or will we just stay with 
this list ? 
In any case please add your name to the Videoteam members on 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebConf6StaffVolunteers if you plan to join or help 

To be able to plan and request the debconf6 infrastructure, I would like to 
collect the video teams wishlist now:

We want/need
- dedicated video-editing room
- LDAP-server with account data for comas, website and all machines at 
debconf6; besides the obvious users (everyone) we also want a videoteam-group 
to grant special permissions like write on the videoraid etc.
- two gigabit-switches: one in the server room and another in the 
video-editing room
- a 2TB-raid with nfs-mounts on all video machines (see below), writeable for 
videogroup members
- two video-laptops big internal disks, firewire and external usb-hd-cases 
- two presentation laptops with acroread, evince, xpdf, opera, istanbul 
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=316503) and whatnot?!
- the two build-machines from debconf5 could be used as number-crunchers for 
the video team - at dc5 these machines where almost not used at all. IMHO be 
should try to get and setup such machines again (they might be used more if 
announce properly and in advance) and make a plan how to use them for video 
(encoding..!) in any case.
- three video editing desktops with dual-cpus and dual-tfts, two would be ok, 
but three is much nicer...
- micophones, mixers ?

- mandatory software on the video machines:
	- at least linux-2.6.12 (for working firewire)
	- raw1394-access for users in the videoteam group
	- dvgrab, sarge version is ok
	- ffmpeg (from cvs)
	- ffmpeg2theora (latest version)
	- kino, sarge version is ok
	- cinelerra-cvs (in a sid chroot, with mount --bind /home)

- nice to have softwhere:
	- whereami on the video & presentation laptops

- we have four basic workflows, am I correct ? So we should describe them in a 
manual before debconf6 :-) (So people can more easily join/help...)
	- dvgrab etc. (get the raw videos from tape and harddisc on the raid)
	- cinelerra (post-processing)
	- ffmpeg/ffmpeg2theora (encoding)
	- upload to a local mirror and meeting-archives.debian.net

Step 5 is creating the dvd(s), but IMHO it's neglectable in this scenario, as 
it's the very last step, likely to be done after debconf. Please object if 
you think different :-)

It would also be very nice to integrate the papers (incl. their sources) into 
this workflow... I would suggest to add another "job" in our volunteerplan 
(the spreadsheet Henning maintained at debconf5..). This time we should 
collect these files during the conference and upload instantly and together 
with the video.

btw, the licence situation (of the talks and videos) will be taken care of in 
COMAS (our conference management system) directly, something like "people 
who'll commit talks will have to choose a (proper) licence at commit time".

Once we've discussed this I will put up the results into the wiki and announce 
that on debconf6-team to start a discussion there :-)


Some other details, which IMHO are not important to the video team, but I like 
to collect them here anyway, to have only one source of information for the 
- master & servant: dhcp, dns, syslog-ng, nagios, printserver
	- IMHO two machines are not mandatory, though very nice to have
- printers (located where?, how many)
- router / firewall / wlan
- for installing and managing I propose roughly the same framework (d-i plus 
FAI) as we used at debconf5, to get an idea what I mean, please read 
"Proposal: how to setup and manage the computer infrastructure" 
and http://layer-acht.org/fai/fai-at-debconf5/

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