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DebConf20 Online budget approval request [round 1]

Dear DPL,

We've got a budget proposal for DebConf 20.

$ ./wrapper -f budget.ledger bal
       USD 10,350.00  assets:debian-france
       USD 18,750.00  expenses
        USD 5,000.00    bursaries:expense
       USD 13,650.00    swag
        USD 9,000.00      shipping
        USD 4,650.00      t-shirt
          USD 100.00    video
      USD -29,100.00  income
       USD -3,000.00    registration
      USD -26,100.00    sponsors
         USD -500.00      bronze
       USD -6,000.00      gold
      USD -18,000.00      platinum
       USD -1,500.00      silver
         USD -100.00      supporter

Expenses are positive, income is negative. Expected profit is $10k

This hasn't changed much since we started modelling this a few weeks ago. 
T-shirt printing & shipping has doubled in price since the first estimates.
But I think you've seen the budget since then.

We've reached the deadline for that now, at almost exactly the predicted
request volume, and I'm reasonably confident that it can be done within that 

Can you approve this budget, so we can start printing and shipping?


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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