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[DebConf19] Concerns for visa applications


As stated, there are few problems I've encountered during visa

Q1: The visa application website's certificate seems to be problematic.

When I enter the visa application link from the Brazil Embassy in

Which links to here:

Firefox warns me about invalid certificate.  After bypassing the
warning, I got redirected to another domain name, with another invalid
certificate warning:

To see if anyone else have the same issue, here's the information of
the certificate of the visa registration website:

Issued To
Common Name (CN): formulario-mre.serpro.gov.br
Organization (O): ICP-Brasil
Organization Unit (OU): Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB
Serial Number: 02:F3:43

Issued By
Common Name (CN): Autoridade Certificadora do SERPRORFB SSL
Organization (O): ICP-Brasil
Organization Unit (OU): Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB

Period of Validity
Begins On: November 22, 2018
Expires On: November 22, 2019

SHA-256 Fingerprint:
SHA1 Fingerprint:

Q2: Another valid proof of attending this conference for visa and
immigration office.

The visa information page:
says that "Please bring a printout of your registration confirmation
email, for immigration officers to examine."  However, the email doesn't
say that DebConf19 happens in Brazil.

What else is also recommended to bring for visa application and
immigration office's examination?

Best regards,
Yao Wei

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Description: PGP signature

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