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Re: Saddened by the amount of events in video-equipped rooms which are not recorded

Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> writes:

> Hi team!
> Since a few years, debconf has given speakers the ability to mark a talk
> as one that should not be recorded on video. Such talks sometimes get
> scheduled in rooms with video equipment.
> As a member of the FOSDEM organisation, which has an official policy of
> "if you want it to happen at FOSDEM, you MUST consent to it being
> recorded on video", I must say I am disheartened by this. Having a talk
> or BoF be on camera is often useful for various reasons:
> - It allows remote participation by those of us not lucky enough to make
>   it to the DebConf in question;
> - It creates a record of what has been said in the talk, which can be
>   useful to refer to after the fact;
> - It allows people for who English is not a first language to replay the
>   video a few times until they understand what is happening, and/or for
>   things to be subtitled so that they can follow what's happening in
>   their native language (this latter doesn't happen as often as we'd
>   like currently, but we do have a setup for subtitling).
> - If you want to be at two talks or BoFs which happen at the same time,
>   you can go to the one talk in the knowledge that you'll always be able
>   to watch the video of the other one.
> While I can understand that sometimes there may be reasons for things
> not to be recorded, I think that in service of the greater Debian
> community, DebConf should try to make as many events as possible be
> public; that is, we should make things recorded by default, not by the
> whim of the speaker/facilitator of the talk or BoF.
> It's obviously way too late for this to happen right now anymore, but
> I[1] would like to suggest that for next year, submission procedures are
> changed so that:
> - The form where talk submissions can be made is, if necessary, changed
>   so that things will be recorded by default, unless the speaker
>   explicitly requests otherwise;
> - It is made clear that "I don't think this would be useful" is not
>   in and of itself a good enough reason (other people might reasonably
>   disagree with that position);
> - If a speaker requests that a talk not be recorded, we ask them to
>   explain why they request that, so that if the request is based on a
>   misunderstanding of what that would entail practically this can be
>   cleared up;
> - Talks which are marked as not recorded will by default be scheduled in
>   rooms which have no video content, so that if the not to be recorded
>   talk is marked so for privacy reasons, we don't have to worry about
>   video equipment being left on by mistake, and so that talks which
>   might otherwise have been usefully recorded can still be scheduled in
>   a room with the necessary equipment.
> Thoughts?

I know that some of them were specifically requested to be without
recording, so I suppose there is no reason to put them in a different
room if that was going to leave the room empty.

Also, the ad-hoc sessions do not get video coverage, as a matter of
policy.  Is what you're seeing (or rather not seeing ;-) ) actually an
articact of there being a lot of ad-hoc sessions?

Perhaps we need to re-examine that policy, or the reason for there being
a lot of ad-hoc sessions in that case?

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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