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[Debconf-team] contact & question regarding the conference in Montreal



The Montreal Convention Centre and Tourisme Montréal are compiling a listing of international conferences held in Montreal in 2017. In 2016, Montréal ranked 1st in North America in terms of internationals events according to the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).We are very proud of this ranking and we hope to keep it for 2017 as well.


Do you have a contact person that could perhaps share the number of participants at DebConf17 which is being held at College Maisonneuve from August 6-12, 2017?


This information is confidential and only shared with the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) to whom we are submitting the listing of international events


I look forward to hearing back from you and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.


Best regards,



Caroline Biron
Chef, recherche commerciale et alliances stratégiques
Direction du développement des affaires et des alliances stratégiques
Tél. : 514 871-5887


SVP noter que je serai en vacances du 21 août au 1er septembre 2017

159, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, 9e étage, Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1H2 CANADA

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« Nous sommes fiers de détenir la plus haute certification internationale de l'industrie en normes de qualité et d’être au cœur de la ville qui accueille le plus d'événements internationaux en Amérique du Nord. »

Avis légal



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