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[Debconf-team] Next two weeks' meetings: Website, Timeline et al

Hi all

* There is a local website meeting between Tammy (tamo), Raoul (superfly) and Jonathan (highvoltage) tonight. I expect they will be on IRC for chatting as well. This is not 'dev' stuff (what do I call that?), but to do with design and content.
* There will likely not be a 'dev stuff' website meeting this week due to PyconZA happening this week. Can I ask Eric, Stefano or Simon (hodgestar) to arrange a time and let the team know please?

* There may be a fundraising meeting on Saturday...

* Next week Wednesday there is a proposed timeline/tasks meeting to, if next week is too soon please suggest a date?

* I would like to have a Wednesday meeting this week, but please let me know if you think it is too much. Maybe a break is good, or a reduced frequency... From my side I'm struggling a bit with all the stuff going on, and am trying to step back a bit (but I dream of DebConf so it's difficult).

I hope to transfer the last agenda into a wiki and make a new agenda in due course. Currently there's just points jotted down at the top [1], please add more, even if the meeting only happens later, so we don't miss stuff.


[1] - https://debconf16-capetown.titanpad.com/2

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