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Re: [Debconf-team] Teckids youth programme at DebConf15 - LAST DEADLINE

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:46 PM, martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> wrote:
> also sprach Dominik George <dominik.george@teckids.org> [2015-05-28 21:24 +0200]:
>> as a matter of sad fact, we have not received any helpful reply to
>> our last mails in which we set and postponed deadlines multiple
>> times.
> Guys, this is quite awkward.
> Which team does this belong to? Who is in charge? Are we going to
> make the deadline (TOMORROW!) or will we issue an apology?

Being that we've never done this before, I think it would belong to
whomever initially talked to Dominik and Teckids. That said, I have no
idea, whether this is worth pursuing or not, as the site is in
German, the ages are unclear, as is the nature of the program and
the expected native language of the participating children.

If this was translated and explained before, I apologize.


> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
> : :'  :  proud Debian developer
> `. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
>   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
> "no problem is so formidable
>  that you can't just walk away from it."
>                                                           -- c. schulz
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