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[Debconf-team] [done] Re: The great Git migration is impending^W DONE

also sprach martin f krafft <madduck@debconf.org> [2014-03-29 22:31 +0100]:
> On Wednesday, 02 April, around 09:00 UTC, the existing Subversion
> repositories will be switched read-only. Please try to commit any
> changes you may have in your tree before that. If you forget, then
> you will have to obtain the diff and apply that to Git later.
> Shortly afterwards (let's say at 10:00 UTC), the Git repositories
> will go live. From this point on, all changes to the data in the
> repositories must be made via Git.

I'm done with the above, and it's time to open the repos for the

Here are the next steps:

  - We will officiall stay in a "testing" phase for one week, until
    Wednesday, 09 April. Please, everyone, have a good look around
    and report any problems.

  - Subversion is now read-only, meaning you have to commit your
    changes to Git.

  - If there are problems, we might have to fix them by rewriting
    Git history. This means that every clone of the repository will
    stop updating and you will *need* to take action to keep
    collaborating. Any such news will be announced here and on the

  - Go ahead and migrate your dependencies now, from Subversion to
    Git. Please keep the old scripts around though, just in case we
    do have to rollback. I don't expect this to be necessary, but
    then again I didn't think Subversion sucked *that* much until
    actually migrating today.

  - We'll turn off access to Subversion in approximately one month.

> If you need help, don't hesitate to ask on the #debconf-team
> channel. If you prefer to use the mailing list for your questions,
> please put [Git] into the subject line to not distract the orga
> teams preparing conferences.

This still applies.

There's been one minor change to the process: all accounting data
from previous years (e.g. receipts, invoices, scans) have been moved
to dcX-accounting-data repositories. The goal is to continue this
practice. However, accounting process information, scripts,
documentation, whatever, should continue to live in the main team

Now enjoy. I can't believe we put up with Subversion for this long.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA: http://debconf14.debconf.org
"reife des mannes, das ist es,
 den ernst wiedergefunden zu haben, den
 man hatte als kind beim spiel."
                                                -- friedrich nietzsche

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