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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf14 Dates And Upcoming Decisions

On 08/10/13 19:05, Patty Langasek wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 06:13:03PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:

>>> 7pm (19:00) UTC, on the DebConf team IRC channel.

>> sorry, thats too late for me this saturday. It will be the first day at home^
>> win Hamburg since 3 weeks, so I'll be offline with friends at that time. A few
>> hours earlier might work, but not sure. So please have the meeting without me.

I doubt I will be able to attend, as I am visiting some friends, but
then again, my schedules are always complicated :)

Just as a data point, weekday evenings usually work better for me (in CET).

In any case, I was replying to comment on something else:

> And, I agree with this. I had hoped the mailing list discussion would be
> more fruitful than it has been in the 1.5 weeks that it's been open.
> Unfortunately, we need to make a decision, and it seems interest in the
> thread has died down. If I'm incorrect in that, all the better to actually
> have a meeting to make the decision soon while we still have the few ideas
> proposed fresh in our minds.

Why don't we try to outline possible scenarios, so we can later discuss
on more concrete plans? I see many unknowns here that need to be cleared
before we can reach a conclusion, also there are a few unanswered
questions in the thread. I know the local team has a vision for this,
and some of the rest have a different one, but let's hear everybody's
opinion, and try to reach an agreement that does not leave anybody upset.

So far, the only choices I have seen are:

1. No DebCamp, a few hack-only sessions during debconf, and less talks
to have more time for hacking.
2. Pre-debconf sprints, dunno on the debconf schedule. Supposedly, high
costs for venue and rooms. Intended to be very targeted and focused on
specific teams (if I've read correctly).
3. Post-debconf debcamp. Possible dates not known (Steve, can you
comment on this?). Patty mentioned 4th as a possible last day, which
would make a 4-day debcamp, which is not bad in my opinion.

Any other ideas? Can we discuss on the pros, cons, and costs of the options?

As a side note, I'd propose separating the discussion of pre-debconf
setup, as the local team has already assured there will be allowances
for a small group of people to start working beforehand.


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