Re: [Debconf-team] Accomodation pricing and categories
Hi all,
Le dimanche, 17 février 2013 17.47:37, Philipp Hug a écrit :
> But, you shouldn't forget that there are people staying outside LeCamp
> who might need food at least for lunch, not sure about dinner though.
> But this can probably be handled manually.
I think we should make it simple and bill "day food (lunch+dinner)" to non-
LeCamp accomodated people.
> > * Which rooms should we expect to use for people paying a premium?
> > Which is the best accomodation category that should be free for
> > sponsored attendees? The current proposal sets this to "Medium
> > sleeping-bag room" (12-16 bed sleeping bag room)
> If you really want to charge for room-upgrades you need charge for
> every room better than sleeping_bag_big or how would you decide who
> gets a better room for free.
Accomodation-wise, I think sleeping_bag_big and sleeping_bag_medium are
roughly equivalent; so allocatiing sleeping_bag_medium to early sponsored
attendees and sleeping_bag_big to late sponsored attendees sounds good to me.
As for upgrades, I see two ways forward:
a) no paid-for upgrade possible, we (unilaterally) decide to upgrade
earlycomers if need be, to accomodate latecomers (so that earlycomers get that
"reward" if their category becomes full later on);
b) paid-for upgrade possible; latecomers need to pay the upgrade if their
target category is fully-booked.
a) is nice towards earlycomers, but brings less money; b) is "mean" (fsvo
"mean" as they get a better room) towards latecomers, but brings more money.
I was initially more in favour of b), but now that I wrote the two
possibilities down, I'm confused. :-/
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