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Re: [Debconf-team] Bag costs

Aigars Mahinovs dijo [Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 06:28:42PM +0200]:
> As a quick note - while mirroring the great idea that the Swiss team
> had about a rough budget calculation, I came to find that conference
> bags to put stuff into and their printing costs quite a bit as well.
> In our case it was half the cost of a shirt, so I included that into
> the budget as well.

Hi Aigars,

Mark them as "optional", though. Bags are a nice and useful souvenir
(at least for me, I always go shopping with my organge NYC bags, and
the Bosnia ones are good for storing tools and the like). However, we
have not always used them. We anticipate budget for 2013 to be quite
tight (or even worse than that). I think it's more realistic that, if
bags are priced at half the cost than shirts, we don't give away bags
(or use plain paper ones, or whatever).

Oh, and for both bids: I'm not personally in that business anymore,
but remember it's repeatedly been cheaper to print shirts in Mexico
and ship them to Europe than to print them in Europe.   (just sayin')

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