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Re: [Debconf-team] Decisions about Le Camp

Gaudenz Steinlin dijo [Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:04:52PM +0100]:
> IMO the most important topic for tonights meeting is the decision about
> how to proceed with Le Camp. We promised them to have a decision by the
> end of November. So to be fair and keep that promise we have to decide
> now. We need some more days to get the budget approved and to have a
> board meeting of the DC13 association. As legally this association will
> sign the contract.

Right. Shortly before the meeting, it is also my perception that we
should decide no later than today what to do. It is fundamental for
the mental health -mostly- of the local team — And for us remoters' to
be motivated and working.

> (...)
> A) We agree to the Le Camp contract as it is now. (...)
> B) We propose to Le Camp a shortened contract and tell them that this we
>    can't afford more and that we won't come to their site if they don't
>    agree. (...)
> C) We decide to drop Le Camp and to find another venue. 

And I think it's time to stop just being polite and read and expect
more information to come in. My point of view clearly sides towards
LeCamp (probably option B) now. Why? Partly, because it no longer
feels like we will be *so* short of money. Partly, because all of the
data and collaboration you have all (with great dilligence!) come up
with that removes important bits of my fear. But mostly, because:

> (...) But we will also loose a lot of motivation.
>    Unless we find something very similar to Le Camp, this won't be the
>    DebConf we presented in our bid. While some argue that the decision
>    was just to go to Switzerland I don't agree with this. 
> (...) If no decision is taken, I will take a vacation from Debconf
> organisation until at least the end of this year. The emotional stress
> of the current situation is just too much for me and I think that I
> better spend my time on other things in this case. 

(And I'm sorry to quote your mail only and not others' who have
replied to this thread, I don't want to spend too much time doing

The bid you presented is this one. And it no longer seems
*impossible*. It seems hard, yes. But given we have some flexibility
by our providers, and given all the work invested (and the undeniable
fruits of such work, including the clarifications of the hiring
conditions), I cannot imagine we would have a *real* team were we to
decide to go to Interlaken or whatever other place.

Right now, the options for me are to hold a two-week DebConf at
LeCamp, a nine-days DebConf at LeCamp (Saturday 10 through Sunday 18
or so, that is), or not having anything at all. Of course, reality
might still surprise me... But I would be really surprised :)

The social part of this discussion is what is tearing us apart. There
are many important points to solve... Money-wise and
logistics-wise. We will most probably never have a DebConf where
everybody is completely happy with the provided lodging (thinking
about the huge-room issues for example) and have money to spare. Some
people we want to attend will not attend. Yes, I completely accept
that — But really, giving up on all of the work a great part of the
Swiss team has done really seems socially disruptive and impossible to

...Eagerly awaiting the meeting to get out of this decision thing.

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