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Re: [Debconf-team] outstanding DebConf11 expenses

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 09:40:46AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Dear DebConf team,
>   we are in the need of replacing some expensive hardware and, before
> approving that, I'd like to know the state of planned Debian expenses.
> As DebConf expenses are a big chapter in our expenses, I'm hereby
> contacting you to know the state of DebConf11 outstanding expenses.
> Can you please let me know the expenses you already know will have to be
> paid for DebConf11 and their amount? Ballpark figures (+/- some k EUR)
> would be enough for my needs, although of course precision never
> hurts. A breakdown on whether SPI or FFIS are expected to pay them would
> be a plus.

Current "assets":
SPI:  35,743.41 USD  (included as part of Debian money)
FFIS: 27,726.77 EUR  (separate earmark)

Debconf11 sponsor/attendee payments yet to be received:
5450 EUR to ffis
10500 USD to SPI

Expected future expenses:
500 USD from SPI
11500 or so from FFIS

+ 22000 EUR of travel sponsorship.  I can not track this as well as
the other numbers in this message, but I am guessing that about 5000
EUR from FFIS and ~25000 in USD from SPI, but travel costs can be less
than requested, so this is a very imprecise number.  I haven't had
enough data to track this (I tried, remember?), so this took the most
time to try to figure out, and has the most possibility for human

Thus, right now, given this data, we might expect around a 20k USD in
leftovers at SPI and 16k EUR in leftovers at FFIS.  To have a buffer
to meet our obligations, you could leave minimum ~26k in SPI and ~17k
EUR at FFIS (our earmark, not debian's) in case our future payments do
not come in on time.  It seems like we could move ~10k EUR from
debconf11->debian earmark at FFIS if needed.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss more about
where to take money, just find me on IRC.


- richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 764 days, 15:22
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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